How To Get Better Traffic To Your Site: Online Events

One of the ways to get qualified traffic to your site is by joining events. Since not everyone lives in the heart of the metro, the better option is to be part of online events.

This way, you can be part not just of local events but also global ones that are in your niche.

One thing we’ve found though is that online events don’t happen very often. But when a relevant event does roll around for your niche, be sure to be part of it.

So how do you find these events?

There’s this handy dandy event icon where you can see the events your friends are going to. Sometimes they even spill over on to the Newsfeed so you can join them right there.

Can’t find that icon? Then just go to

Stalk the blogs you read and for sure, they will have some sort of online get together sooner or later.

Ever participated in a #hashtag discussion? It’s basically a low-fi way to do an online event since all you need to participate is tweet with the relevant hashtag. Quite popular with online personalities.

Oh you don’t use this? Me neither, but it does get you events since when someone does a Hangout on Air, it gets published on their feed and you can join in right then and there.


Now that you have a way to discover these online events, the next challenge is how to choose which ones to actually join, and then how to properly engage others during these events.

Here are a few tips:

1. Go for events where attendees can share.
Comments, chat or anything similar will help you introduce yourself and your work to others. It’s also a great way to strike up a discussion.

2. Make sure the event is relevant to your business.
This might seem obvious but sometimes we’re in an event drought that we go to the first blogger event we see.

If you still want to go, that’s okay but go there to have fun, not to do business. At the very least, make sure that the target audience of the event matches the ideal target audience for your site.

3. Ask insightful questions.
Most events have a Q&A part so use this time to ask as well as introduce yourself. If the event shows usernames linked to your profile, much better since people can browse that if they want to learn more about you. Don’t be shy though, it’s unbecoming of you! :D

Now my parting question is: do you know of any other ways to find online events? Comment below and help us out!

Other articles in this series (will be updated as more are published):

Photo credit: info grrl

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