Weekly Roundup: Happiness Is A State of Mind


To start the week off, we’re rounding up some of the best articles last week that made us smile.

And if there’s anything that we’ve learned from all the self-help and life improvement coaches out there, it’s that happiness is always a state of mind; it’s a decision that you choose for yourself.

So we hope that these roundup will help you get your new week started with renewed energy from the weekend past.


Jason Womack advised that if one wants to be productive, then he or she should look no further than inside their own mindset.

People who enjoy what they do are far more productive than those who do not have passion for their work. Have you ever been so engrossed in what you are doing that when you look up, you discover hours have passed in what seems like minutes? Such joyful immersion is key to productivity. Denis Waitley reminds us, “Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results.”

Read more: Why Happiness is Your Secret to Productivity

Social Media

If you think that social media is just all about Facebook and Twitter, then you’re missing out on opportunities in other social networks such as Pinterest.

We gave BloggersTech an infographic that gives ten solid reasons why Pinterest should be part of your social media marketing plan. Check out the infographic here: 10 Reasons Why You Should Do Social Media Marketing on Pinterest


Employees have the dream of starting their own business, thinking that it will give them more time freedom. However, most entrepreneurs will say that it’s not as easy as you think.

Chris Ducker shares his secrets to maintaining happiness through a healthy work-life balance in his latest podcast. Check it out here: A Day in the Life of a Virtual CEO


Freelancers usually have a collection of tools at their disposal to keep them happy and productive. One of these gadgets would be their smartphones that often doubles as their personal digital assistant.

The question now is how do you choose the right smartphone for you? Luckily, we have a guest article over at Angelo Racoma’s blog that can help you. Check out The non-techie’s guide to choosing the best smartphone.

We have less than three months left before the Christmas holidays, one of the happiest seasons in the Philippines. We hope that your joys and blessings will continue to grow as the weeks come.

199Jobs Blog Weekly Roundup

Photo credit: annais

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