What to Look for in a Freelancer?

by danilo204

A lot of businesses are beginning to realize the value of freelancers. But what are the necessary factors that a client must consider before hiring?

We’ve put together a check list that you can use to help you decide whether you’ve found a keeper or a business wrecker.

1. Has a portfolio that suits your needs.
A portfolio is a collection of work samples from a certain person. It can contain written articles, visual art projects like photography, or any information that demonstrate their accomplishments. It provides valid proof that he’s not an amateur at what he does.

2. Can be reached without worries
Communication with the freelancer is one crucial factor that can make or break a project. One who able to respond quickly to your queries during work hours means good working ethic which is a huge plus.

3. Asks questions and sets deadlines
A freelancer that isn’t afraid to ask questions to clarify things shows that he cares about his work. He also sets deadlines himself and once he successfully meets them with high quality output which means you’ve got a keeper.

4. Explains how he does things
Even with a list of must have qualifications posted, sometimes there are some things left that a freelancer needs to talk about. If the freelancer explains to you well how his process works, it’s an indicator that he’ll be a great hire.

5. Works well with you
The last would be the most crucial of all: you must be happy and at ease with your freelancer. You won’t be working well with someone that you don’t feel is a fit with your company.

Did we miss anything? How about you, what do you look for in a freelancer? Feel free to chime in the comments below.

Photo credits: Pablo Zarate and Joe Lanman

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