12 Easy Updates To Improve Your LinkedIn Profile

If you want to connect with professionals, then LinkedIn is no doubt the best place to go.

However, like all social networks, you need other people to add you or accept your connection request first, before you can optimize the benefits of LinkedIn. Because after all, who would want to connect with someone with nothing on their profile but a name and photo?

Whether your goal is to expand your network, or to seek new and better professional opportunities, it’s important to create a good personal brand through your public profile. And below are twelve easy updates that you can do today.

1. Use a recent photo.

It doesn’t have to be professionally taken, but it has to be recent. Too many times I’ve seen graduation pictures used as profile photo, when they’ve clearly finished university education years ago. A friendly and smiling photo taken from last year works best.

2. Add new experiences.

Update your skills list and your professional experiences, especially new certificates and trainings that you were able to attend last year. If there’s nothing new you can add, then consider putting some extra details to existing ones.

3. Update your accomplishments, honors, and awards.

Level up your profile by adding the things you’ve accomplished last year. Did you successfully implemented a project? Did you receive recognition from a professional organization? Don’t be shy and highlight them in your profile.

4. Include volunteer work you’ve done.

Give your profile some warmth by showcasing a list of volunteer work you’ve participated in. Doing this shows that professional development is not the only things that’s important to you, but also personal and social development.


5. Add a website.

These days, it’s important that you have your own website because it immensely helps in your personal brand. If you don’t have your own website or professional blog yet, then this year should be the year that you create one.

6. Find groups that you can be active in.

It’s rare to see funny cat videos and internet memes in LinkedIn, but you can be sure that there will always be groups that discuss topics and concerns that’s relevant to your current or desired industry. Find one and be part of that community.

7. Make your headline stand out.

After your name and photo, your headline is what everyone else will see next in your public profile. Use this space to summarize your personal brand or emphasize what you do best.

8. Request for recommendations and endorsements.

Recall everyone you’ve worked with in the past and send them a message to request a recommendation or endorsement on LinkedIn. This is the digital way of asking for a letter of reference and if you did a good job, people will not think twice in backing up your skills.


9. Optimize your summary space.

Think about your target profile visitors and craft a relevant, two or three paragraph summary, that communicates your biggest strengths. Lastly, try to end with your ultimate professional goal or aspiration.

10. Show your numbers.

Quantify your profile by adding specific years in your job experience, actual numbers you’ve accomplished in your work, and other quantifiable data that can help other people better understand your level of experience and skills.

11. Follow influencers.

A great way to maximize LinkedIn is to follow your dream companies and the influential people in your industry. This will help you stay current with news and trends, but also opens up opportunities for you to establish warm connections with them.

12. Edit the obsolete.

Lastly, but as important as the rest of the tips above, is for you to clean your profile of irrelevant or outdated information about you. This is especially important for professionals who changed careers or industries. Your LinkedIn profile should be more about who you are now, and who you want to be, and not so much about who you were.

Do you have other tips on how to optimize your LinkedIn profile? Give your tips below in the comments section.

Photo credits: marssdd and smi23le

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