Out of the Box Marketing Via Helpful Side Projects

Writing is neat and all, but your audience probably doesn’t want to read stuff all day. They want to watch videos, look at funny images, play games and more. When doing your content...

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Using Data for Content Marketing

People love data. In fact, 43% of people actually retain what they read better when statistics are included. Well, not really, I just made that number up. But even a depressingly...

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How to Make Your Content Creation Process Easier

One of the big challenges I’ve seen from small businesses that want to be online is content creation. I did a call for testers for a new content process I’m building and I had a...

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To Sustain A Habit, You Must Love Doing It

A lot of people say that habits are hard to break. That's just a load of crap. Habits are easy to break, that is if you don’t like doing them. This past week I was doing some cold...

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How to Convince The Client to Accept Your Creative Work

It happens more often than it should. After hours of working and making sure that you meet the specifications, your client says that they don't like what you did. They'll say it...

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7 Questions to Ask Your Graphic Design Client Before You Start Working

As a graphic designer, you'll need to constantly nurture and grow your skills. And in the process, the artist in you will eventually develop your own unique style that will show in...

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How Freelancers Can Survive Lean Months

Freelancers may have more control of their time, but they're subject to irregular income unlike employees. This is often referred to as the "feast" and "famine" cycle. Feast...

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Digital Marketing Tips for Restaurant Business Owners

In this day and age, people don’t eat like they used to. A growing number of individuals prefer to eat out, and they want to make sure they get the most out of the money they...

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