How To Choose The Best Seller

Browsing the 199Jobs marketplace can be overwhelming. With so many sellers offering the same services, it can be hard to decide who will be the right one for the job.

If you need help in choosing the right seller, then below is an easy, 3-step process that you can do to find the best person to hire.

Step 1: Choose your candidates

Your first step is to come up with the list of sellers who can do the job you need. Use the search box or browse the marketplace and select at least 3 jobs that fit your requirements.

Step 2: Do the 10-point test

Here’s when it gets interesting. Visit each job post page, and go through the Guide Questions given below.


Guide Questions:

  1. Is the job posting clear? Give a point if it describes what you’re looking for.
  2. Are the uploaded sample works satisfactory? Give a point if the quality passes your standards.
  3. How long is the average delivery time? Give a point if it’s acceptable to you.
  4. How many past buyers were satisfied with the work? Give a point if the job rating is higher than 90%
  5. How many orders are on queue? Give a point if there are no pending orders.
  6. How good is this seller overall? Give a point if his recommendation rating is higher than 90%
  7. When was the seller last seen? Give a point if it’s less than 1 week?
  8. What will you get from your order? Give a point if it’s exactly what you need.
  9. Did the seller provide an overview of the requirements and specifications of the job? Give a point if they did.
  10. What do past buyers say about the job? Give a point if most are positive.

Step 3: Get the sum for each candidate

The last step is to calculate the total points of each job and voila – the one which got the highest score is your best choice. Now you can confidently order, and finally get that job done.