What Are Buyers Looking For?


What are buyers looking for? This has always been a problem for anyone selling a product or a service.

For services in particular, I’ve discovered that buyers are looking for just a few very important things. This has been justified by a report I discovered online as well (read it here or here) which went out and polled their readers and customers to find an answer. So what you need to do now?

1. Build a good relationship with your client

This might seem difficult if you and your client only talk online but it is doable. The first is you should respond to your client quickly, even if you’re just saying you can’t reply at this time.

Second, be helpful. Talk with them about their problems (for free) and ask the right questions. You will discover what they truly need and delight them better by solving a nagging need. For example, if they say they need blog articles and after a few questions, they actually need web traffic, you can offer guest posting services to them as well.

2. Show your expertise

It’s not showing off it it’s true, right? If you aren’t an expert yet, enhance your skills right now by practicing and absorbing the wonders of online education courses. If you are an expert, make sure your skills and work are easy to see in your website, offline materials and demos.

Stock your portfolio with just your best work, no more and no less. In your job ads, take a screenshot of your work so buyers can see it for themselves.

3. Build on your good reputation

It’s a testament of the power of the internet that reputation is just third on this list; still important but not as highly ranked as before. Since it’s easy to pad stats and numbers, potential clients will likely ask around about their opinion of your work. It’s sort of a reverse word of mouth so make sure you have good standing from previous clients and associates.

If you have no reputation, don’t fret. Just make sure you please your customers and err on the side of excellent customer service. In 199jobs, make sure you ask for feedback for every transaction to build your online reputation.

Photo credit: walmartcorporate

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