I can create canva designs for presentations, posters, infographics and more

Buyer has full control of the product design outcome

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What you'll be getting

The service I offer is digital, so the buyer will be able to select the format of the digital copy that they desire (png, pdf, jpeg, etc.).

Before the project is handed over, the buyer will be asked if they are satisfied with the output or if they have any suggestions, furthermore, there will be progress reports throughout the making of the project, where the buyer is allowed to make small adjustments or suggestions.

Note: The product is a digital copy, not a physical copy.

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Buyers will be able to have full control over the design if they so desire, in other words they will be able to have the freedom of selecting colors, details, theme, etc.

Communication is important throughout the process of creating the project, this is to ensure that the buyer will have a higher likelihood of being satisfied of the outcome.

If the buyer is not responding or responds too late, then I am not responsible for any misunderstanding and/or errors within the product design.

Buyers will receive progress reports throughout the making of the project, this reduces the chance of errors and mistakes.

If the project happens to be a bigger project, then there might be a chance that the project will take longer to make, naturally. But in the event that the buyer changes their mind in the middle of a big project, it will be delayed even more.

Projects are not rushed, unless you want it to be. If a buyer decides to rush a project, then they should understand that the output quality will not be the same as if it were not rushed.

The buyer is asked multiple questions at the beginning until the end, this helps me to have a more accurate design and reduces the possibility of irreversible mistakes.

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created 3 months ago in design, video & audio
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