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last seen 5 months ago • joined over a year ago

46 Orders Done

I am waiting for YOU to hire me.... So let's have a short talk Need help with the following? (x) Data Entry of all types (x) Article Writing of various niches; professional or friendly (x) Blog Post Writing of different niches (x) Transcribing Podcasts, webinars, interviews, etc. Don't stress out, hire me! For almost 8 years of my freelancing career, I can assure you that I only submit quality and error free work. During those months, I've been exposed to a variety of administrative, writing, and small tasks (data entry to be particular) that I am proud to say "have satisfied clients overtime". As I mold myself with demanding needs of each work, I know that I have the desirable skills to help you. Whether big or small, I got your back. Ready? Then let me join you as we take the next big leap in OUR career. Interested? Don't be shy, ping me up!