Freelancer Vs Online Worker: What’s the Difference?

Online work is becoming very popular these days and many who do online work see themselves as freelancers. By definition, yes you are indeed a freelancer. You set your own...

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Is Working Online For You? Part 2

Just in case you missed it, you can read Part 1 of this post here. Now let's move to the other things you must ask yourself if you want to work online. 4. Do you make stuff? The...

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Is Working Online For You? Part 1

Let's face the facts: doing online work is not for everybody. No matter how many targeted Facebook posts say that you too can "Earn dollars everyday" or how many flyers you see...

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What Should I Sell?

What should I sell? This is probably the number one question people ask us when they sign up for 199Jobs. If you haven't done it before, turning your skills into cash can really...

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