7 New Year’s Resolutions Every Freelancer Should Make

The countdown to the new year is fast coming to a close. A few more days and we're entering another calendar year filled with challenges and celebrations. The question now is,...

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When Kindergarteners Outperform Business Students In This Skill Test, You Know There’s a Lesson Here Somewhere

Who would have thought that children in Kindergarten could easily beat Business Graduate Students in such a simple test? In this short, 7-minute TED Talk, Tom Wujec presents...

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What You Need To Ask The Buyer Before Starting Work

We've noticed that most sellers on the site don't provide "Instructions to the Buyer" in their job settings. We highly recommend that you do because it will make transactions...

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13 Quick SEO Tips That Will Give Your Website Better Luck in Search Engines

Did you know that search is the number one source of traffic for content websites, beating social media by more than 300%? Furthermore, it's been found that leads generated from...

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The Internet Taught This Organization A Social Media Lesson They’d Never, Ever Forget

Reddit co-founder, Alexis Ohanian, tells in this funny four-minute video the real-life story of one humpback whale that became an internet celebrity - and eventually changed the...

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This Nurse Logged In On Facebook One Day, And Saw A Post That Helped Her Earn Thousands of Pesos

If you never really enjoyed writing back in school, then you probably think you'll never be a good writer, much more earn from it. But that is not the case for Kath or better...

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After You Read These 39 Rules To Good Writing, You’ll Never Write The Same Way Again, I Promise

How do you become a good writer? Apparently, you only need to follow these 39 rules. 1. Avoid alliteration. Always. 2. Never use a long word when a diminutive one will...

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4 Little-Known But Simple Ways To Write Seductive Headlines

Our quiz, What Kind of Writer Are You? got a lot of responses from you - thanks! We're still tabulating the results, but one thing is certain... ... more than half of the...

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