How To Get Better Traffic: Invest In Unusual Content

We all know that audiences crave for new stuff all the time. What made them click one day soon becomes boring the next. What you need to do is to create content that is nothing...

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Make Sure Your Value Proposition Is Easily Understood

One of the challenges when building a business is summarizing what you do into one sentence. It's daunting and sometimes impossible, but customers don't care about that. They...

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How To Get Better Traffic To Your Site: Online Events

One of the ways to get qualified traffic to your site is by joining events. Since not everyone lives in the heart of the metro, the better option is to be part of online events. This...

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What Jobs Can I Offer Here at 199Jobs?

Creating your own job can be quite a challenge for some. I know, I've had my fair share of mental blocks while staring blankly into a job post form (and yes, I do offer my own jobs...

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Are They Motivated? How To Know If You’re Working With Freelancers Who Love What They Do

Motivation matters a lot in online work. When you're working in your pajamas alone at home with no one following up on your work progress, it's easy to just slump on the couch,...

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Working with Surveys: What We Learned

Surveys are great for getting customer insights at scale, especially those with freeform text boxes which don't restrict the answers of your participants. On the flip side, it can...

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