Low Cost but Effective Ways to Nurture Your Creativity

Like any regular job, home-based work can be repetitive to the point of being boring and mind-numbing. This can greatly affect your way of thinking, particularly your creativity. Nurturing...

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What Are The BEST Ways to Get Traffic For Your Blog?

by minikitcat. 1. Blog Regularly Being active in posting blog articles calls out to your audience quicker, especially if you write about the latest trends and news. It might...

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4 Ways To Make Loyal Readers Love Your Blog

by angelicagonzalez. Blogging is hard. Not only do you need to get people to read your blog, you also need them to come back time and again. Loyal blog readers are hard to come...

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Multiple Sources of Information for Articles: Where and Why It’s Important

I know, I know. You have a ton of things to do and your article is due tomorrow. You don't have time to read a ton of references to get the job done. But you know what, bub?...

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Working with Surveys: What We Learned

Surveys are great for getting customer insights at scale, especially those with freeform text boxes which don't restrict the answers of your participants. On the flip side, it can...

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Attention: Your Most Valuable Business Builder

I know you've heard all about Bitcoin and how this new form of virtual money will change the world. But my vote for the currency of the 21st century is ATTENTION. If you're a citizen...

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5 Quick Tips For Better Work Focus

We truly believe that to succeed when working online, you need FOCUS. The internet is teeming with distractions and one click, boom! You're on Facebook for 3 hours. Like muscle,...

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When Kindergarteners Outperform Business Students In This Skill Test, You Know There’s a Lesson Here Somewhere

Who would have thought that children in Kindergarten could easily beat Business Graduate Students in such a simple test? In this short, 7-minute TED Talk, Tom Wujec presents...

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