Digital Marketing Tips for Restaurant Business Owners

In this day and age, people don’t eat like they used to. A growing number of individuals prefer to eat out, and they want to make sure they get the most out of the money they...

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Tips on Marketing for Small and Micro Businesses

As an owner of a small or a micro business, you'll learn that the first few days of running the business can be bittersweet. While you're 50% optimistic about future business growth,...

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Niche Marketing: Why Focus is the New Black

"Cast a wide net to catch the most fish." That line represents one of the most outdated mindsets of the business industry. If we are to learn from the most successful and innovative...

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4 Ways To Make Loyal Readers Love Your Blog

by angelicagonzalez. Blogging is hard. Not only do you need to get people to read your blog, you also need them to come back time and again. Loyal blog readers are hard to come...

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Top 6 Ways To Become More Persuasive When Selling

by kristinecruz Getting a customer to give that elusive ‘yes’ will always be the main goal for many professionals. Whether you’re in marketing, sales, an entrepreneur or even...

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Real Estate: Four Reasons Why You Need Regular Content

by carpediem Time has changed. The competition between real estate companies has reached the next level. Everyone competes on the internet now. Unlike before, you can only see...

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How to Turn Your Project Leads into Paying Clients: Real Engagement Strategies

by Evane Getting new clients is like playing chess. You need outstanding strategies to win. In this article, we will explore the reasons why many fail to turn their project leads...

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The Secret to Increasing the Sales of Your Online Shop

by carpediem Running an online shop isn't a walk in the park. Although people nowadays spend most of their time on the internet, most online shops are still having troubles with...

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