Color Power: How Color Psychology Can Help Your Business

You might not notice it, but the colors around you can help shape and define people’s affects. Not only that, you can also utilize the knowledge for your business. From logo design,...

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Having a Process: The Efficient Way to Achieving Work and Business Success

Whether you're just a starting entrepreneur or already a veteran in the field of business – your days will always be filled with work meetings, project deadlines, and personal tasks. When...

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Tips on Marketing for Small and Micro Businesses

As an owner of a small or a micro business, you'll learn that the first few days of running the business can be bittersweet. While you're 50% optimistic about future business growth,...

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Niche Marketing: Why Focus is the New Black

"Cast a wide net to catch the most fish." That line represents one of the most outdated mindsets of the business industry. If we are to learn from the most successful and innovative...

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5 Tasks That Small Businesses Can Effectively Outsource

Outsourcing is one of the most effective strategies used by a company because it can effectively cut operational costs, which is most wanted especially by the starting businesses...

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5 Benefits of Creating a Blog for Your Business

These days, more and more people prefer the convenience of shopping online. It's fast, easy, and hassle-free. Indeed, making a purchase through a business website has never been...

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The Benefits of Outsourcing for Small Businesses

Ever wonder why big foreign businesses outsource services? Even with enough money to create different departments, these companies still choose to outsource for a number of reasons,...

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Small Business: Tips For Managing Your Facebook Page

With over a billion of active Facebook users, how come only few seems to have reached my business page? How come my page has only few likes, few comments and just crickets? These...

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