Out of the Box Marketing Via Helpful Side Projects

Writing is neat and all, but your audience probably doesn’t want to read stuff all day. They want to watch videos, look at funny images, play games and more. When doing your content...

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Using Data for Content Marketing

People love data. In fact, 43% of people actually retain what they read better when statistics are included. Well, not really, I just made that number up. But even a depressingly...

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Digital Marketing Tips for Restaurant Business Owners

In this day and age, people don’t eat like they used to. A growing number of individuals prefer to eat out, and they want to make sure they get the most out of the money they...

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Tips for Designing an Ebook Cover

Before we tackle about the different tips and tricks that you can use and apply when designing an ebook cover, it is important to know the exact reason why your ebook needs a good cover. The...

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What is Influencer Marketing and How It Works

Marketing a product can now go beyond traditional media. Today, a brand can use social media for marketing to reach their target market. This is called Digital Marketing, and...

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Niche Marketing: Why Focus is the New Black

"Cast a wide net to catch the most fish." That line represents one of the most outdated mindsets of the business industry. If we are to learn from the most successful and innovative...

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5 Easy Ways To Create Better Content For Your Website

Creating content for your website can be a challenge. You have your regular readers to think about, making sure that your topics are fresh and up-to-date. On the other hand, there...

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What Are The BEST Ways to Get Traffic For Your Blog?

by minikitcat. 1. Blog Regularly Being active in posting blog articles calls out to your audience quicker, especially if you write about the latest trends and news. It might...

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