To Sustain A Habit, You Must Love Doing It

A lot of people say that habits are hard to break. That's just a load of crap. Habits are easy to break, that is if you don’t like doing them. This past week I was doing some cold...

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Why It Is Important To Have a Creative Side Project

Creative activities can provide people with valuable experiences in terms of control and mastery. However, it may also give workers experiences of self discovery, which can boost work...

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The Basics of Doing a Personal Kanban to Boost Productivity

With all the different productivity methods and management that are being used by people to organize and plan school or work, and life events--it isn’t easy to find one that truly...

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Tips to Create More Free Time, If You Feel You’re Too Busy Working

Do you often wish you could have more than 24 hours in one day? Are you always busy with work that you don't have any more free time to pursue hobbies and other interests? If this...

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Having a Process: The Efficient Way to Achieving Work and Business Success

Whether you're just a starting entrepreneur or already a veteran in the field of business – your days will always be filled with work meetings, project deadlines, and personal tasks. When...

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Motivating Yourself to Make The Year Better

We have dreams and goals, but it is always easier said than done. We procrastinate, we put things off, and we get lazy. All we need is that certain amount of motivation, but where...

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How To Stay Focused When Working Remotely

If you work remotely, it can sometimes be hard to concentrate on your job because of distractions. Fortunately, several guides have already been written to help you stay focused. Here...

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A Simple System for Productivity

One is productive when one can deliver the required output; especially if it's accomplished using only readily available resources within a given time limit. However, with today’s...

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