How to Turn Requests into Orders

As a seller, you want to get orders all the time, that much is obvious. And the easiest way to get orders is to go into the My Account dashboard and start replying to the requests. Sending...

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How to Make Your Content Creation Process Easier

One of the big challenges I’ve seen from small businesses that want to be online is content creation. I did a call for testers for a new content process I’m building and I had a...

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Tips on Marketing for Small and Micro Businesses

As an owner of a small or a micro business, you'll learn that the first few days of running the business can be bittersweet. While you're 50% optimistic about future business growth,...

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How To Eliminate Distractions When Working from Home

Distractions are inevitable when working from home. Here are some things that you take for granted at home that can cause you to lose focus while working. Work away from your bed The...

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5 Easy Ways To Create Better Content For Your Website

Creating content for your website can be a challenge. You have your regular readers to think about, making sure that your topics are fresh and up-to-date. On the other hand, there...

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How To Be Indispensable To The Client

Job security is one of the biggest issues for home-based workers. There is always a question of whether or not the client would have you working for them for a long time. While it's...

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How to Create an eBook Through 199Jobs

Selling ebooks to make money online started in popularity in 2007 and has continued to grow as a business over the years. The industry is already big in other countries, but in the...

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How To Avoid Revisions from Sellers

by ShabbyChic. Is it possible to get perfect work the first time around when buying from a seller? How can I avoid the need for revisions? One of our priorities when it comes...

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