How to Turn Requests into Orders

As a seller, you want to get orders all the time, that much is obvious. And the easiest way to get orders is to go into the My Account dashboard and start replying to the requests. Sending...

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How To Avoid Revisions from Sellers

by ShabbyChic. Is it possible to get perfect work the first time around when buying from a seller? How can I avoid the need for revisions? One of our priorities when it comes...

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Top 6 Ways To Become More Persuasive When Selling

by kristinecruz Getting a customer to give that elusive ‘yes’ will always be the main goal for many professionals. Whether you’re in marketing, sales, an entrepreneur or even...

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What Jobs Can I Offer Here at 199Jobs?

Creating your own job can be quite a challenge for some. I know, I've had my fair share of mental blocks while staring blankly into a job post form (and yes, I do offer my own jobs...

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Work Sample Image: How To Make Them Stand Out From The Rest

In creating a job here in 199Jobs, one of the obstacles that many sellers encounter is thinking what work sample image to upload. And unfortunately, a lot of you just search for an...

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What You Need To Ask The Buyer Before Starting Work

We've noticed that most sellers on the site don't provide "Instructions to the Buyer" in their job settings. We highly recommend that you do because it will make transactions...

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Your Customers Want Benefits, Not Solutions

Entrepreneurs have been used to selling solutions to make their target market buy their products. However, in today's information-driven society, marketing your solutions may...

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What Should I Sell?

What should I sell? This is probably the number one question people ask us when they sign up for 199Jobs. If you haven't done it before, turning your skills into cash can really...

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